The Compact Phoenix is a highly versatile laser cleaning system which is a valuable addition to the conservator’s toolbox. It is a small, compact and rugged system ideally suited to work in a conservation studio or small-scale site work (for large-scale laser cleaning please see Infinito 100W). The Compact Phoenix comprises a ‘desktop’ base unit (31cm x 54cm x 42cm), which provides power and cooling, and a detachable laser handpiece. The system is unique in that it offers interchangeable NdYAG and ErYAG laser handpieces extending the range of wavelengths available to the conservator – it is two lasers in one (handpieces can be purchased individually if preferred). The system is highly portable, easy to maintain and has been used by conservators worldwide to gently remove unwanted material from a wide range of objects, including marble, limestone, sandstone, plaster, terracotta, ivory, wood and bronze, amongst others. The Compact Phoenix is available for purchase and rental (click here to download a brochure).
Wavelength: 1064nm
Pulse duration: 5ns
Pulse energy: 130/260/390mJ
Repetition rate: 1-30Hz
Beam diameter: variable from 1.5-15mm
Maximum average power: 4.5W
Accessory: KTP attachment (converts output to dual 1064/532nm)
Wavelength: 2940nm
Pulse duration: 10-150µs
Pulse energy: 0-300mJ
Repetition rate: 1-10Hz
Beam diameter: variable from 2-12mm
Maximum average power: 3W
The NdYAG laser was first used in conservation in the 1970s (in Venice, Italy) and its use is now widely accepted among conservators and restorers, particularly in the fields of sculpture and objects conservation. We launched the first version of the Compact Phoenix system in 2005 (prior to that we provided larger bespoke laser cleaning systems) – since then we have made small refinements to the system and, in 2017, we introduced the ErYAG laser handpiece in response to growing interest in this wavelength (Journal of the Institute of Conservation, 2020).
The NdYAG and ErYAG laser handpieces can be purchased separately or together, depending on the requirements of the customer. The short video clips below show the NdYAG laser handpiece being used to remove soiling from a hippopotamus jaw bone at Manchester Museum and dirt and corrosion from a gilded brass furniture element at the Fine Art Museums of San Francisco.